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Repeat VCUG if reflux has resolved?



My daughter had level 2 right side reflux since she was 1 yr old and on Bactrim daily. Her test last yr when she was 3 showed no reflux. And they took her off the Bactrim. The doctor still wants to do a VCUG this yr. I am concerned because of the invasive nature of this test if no reflux why do the test? Additionally my daughter right now has a c-diff infection her 3rd time she keeps relapsing so I am really concerned about putting her thru an invasive test where an kidney infection may occur and she may need antibiotics which may make her relapse with c-diff again. Do doctors want this test annually for life?


Reflux is a condition that makes it easier for the child to have kidney infections. It often does resolve on its own and once it has, rarely comes back unless there are other problems with the function of the bladder. Sometimes, the VCUG can be falsely normal, meaning that reflux may still exist even if it was not detected on the study. Based on the clinical situation it is sometimes necessary to repeat the study. For most children, however, once a normal study is obtained, it usually does not need to be repeated.

For more information:

Go to the Urinary and Genital Disorders (Children) health topic.