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Upper lip rash followed by blisters



A few months ago I had my first encounter with what seemed to be a very chapped upper lip. Upon a closer look the only way I can describe it is a toungue like textured rash that seemed to first appear when I was very sleep deprived. It went away after two days with no problem this soon came back much worse and agitating a couple weeks later, then worse again after a couple more weeks followed by about several tiny blisters mostly on my lower lip and around the outside of my mouth (very unsightly). My family doctor was kind of dumbfounded and just gave me an antibiotic which actually seemed to clear it up. It layed dormant for a month and soon I started to notice that familiar rough texture my upper lip started getting. Again seemed like low sleep triggers it. In desperation I loaded the chapstick on and tried to catch up on sleep. A few times it actually went away with no problem. Well now this last time I just woke up one morning with my whole upper lip covered in the all too familiar rash. However this is not noticeable unless you are looking very closely. This time it worstened and again I can see the starting of a bunch of blisters usually not in the area where the this rash or coarseness of my upper lip is experienced. Sorry for the long post, but my Dr. wasn`t much help, and I`m losing patience with this.


It would be difficult to say what this is, based on your description.  You should make an appointment to see an oral pathologist for evaluation.  Oral pathologists are the only doctors who specialize in the diagnosis of oral diseases, and a listing of oral pathologists can be found at the website

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