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Overpenetrated radiograph



I went in for a routine physical and received a chest x ray….The radiologist indicated I had an intertestinal infiltrate but the film was slightly overpenetrated….I had a repeat x ray a week later and everything was clear…Should I be concerned about the initial radiograph?


X-rays can be over or under exposed just as occurs with film photographs.  An underexposed xray (too light) will accentuate lung markings and suggest an interstitial process whereas an overexposed xray (too dark) will diminish or minimize the lung markings.  A properly exposed xray is very important in the diagnosis of many lung diseases.

If there is any question about the presence of interstitial opacifications, a chest CT is much more sensitive that a chest xray.  You should discuss the xray results with your physician and determine if any further testing is required.

For more information:

Go to the Lung diseases health topic.