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Blood in feces



hi for the past two days as usual I`ll have a bowel movement…but I`ve been noticing blood in my fecal material,and I`d wipe and there would be bright red blood on the toilet paper then when i would wipe again there is nothing there can you think of anything…i don`t have a loss of appetite, i don`t vomit and or have diarrhea…but i am always tired….any advice????


Talk to your primary care doctor about this problem. They will want to examine your anal canal to see if this is due to something simple like hemorrhoids or a fissure. If neither is seen, they will likely suggest additional investigations into what is going on, especially if you are an over 40, have a family history of colon disease, or have any other symptoms of a problem (like abdominal pain, urgency, fever, etc).

For more information:

Go to the Colorectal Diseases health topic.