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Biotin in impaired fasting glucose



Dear Sir,

I read in the website clinnovo that biotin can improve blood sugar control and help lower fasting blood glucose levels.Biotin can also play a role in preventing the neuropathy often associated with diabetes, reducing both the numbness and tingling associated with poor glucose control.

I would like to know whether the information as above relating to biotin is correct. I have IGT -impaired afsting and I want to know about it


There is no objective large scale clinical trial data to support a role for biotin in either blood sugar control or in control of neuropathy.  There is a single report in 3 patients from 1990 without any follow-up studies indicating improvement in symptoms of neuropathy with quite high dose biotin (given first intravenously and then by mouth) but with no objective evidence of improvement based on nerve conduction studies.  Hence there is not wide acceptance of a role for biotin for either of these purposes among diabetes health care professionals.  You may however find some people who argue in its favor.  It is not clear whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant a large scale clinical trial.

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