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Anti-Stretch Mark Lotion



Hi guys, I wonder why some anti-stretch mark lotion cannot be used from the beginning of pregnancy, just from 3rd month or 4th month upward. Some product doesn`t even mention what month of pregnancy it can be used. What is the reason behind this? Why can`t it be used from the beginning of pregnancy?


Thank you for contacting Net Wellness. Pregnancy changes a woman’s body in many ways including changes to your skin, nails and hair. Your belly and breast will enlarge during pregnancy –
that will cause stretching and may cause red marks. Most all women will develop stretch marks by the third trimester on their belly, bottom or thighs. Creams, lotions and oils are marketed toward preventing or making these go away. There is little evidence that any of these treatments work. Using these products will help your skin to stay soft, but it will not make the marks go away. Most of the marks will fade after birth, but some may remain.

Without knowing the exact product ingredients, it is difficult to make a recommendation. As long as you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in an over-the-counter (without a prescription) product, it should be safe for you to use during your pregnancy. Make sure to check with your obstetrician, pharmacist or nurse mid-wife about a particular product if you have specific concerns.

NetWellness may also have some general information available that you can access through our search feature (choose pregnancy). Feel free to write back if you still have questions or need an explanation.

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