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Infiltration of Middle Right Lobe



I came down with a upper respiratory infection 3 weeks ago. I was put on antibiotics and inhaler. I went back to doctor because the cough is still present and she had a chest xray taken. It came back with infiltration in the middle right lobe. So, I am doing another round of antibiotics and need to be checked again in 6 weeks. Is this a bad sign (lung cancer) or just something related to cold I got 3 weeks ago. My mother died 3 years ago of lung cancer, she was a heavy smoker and I myself have smoked off and on.


Thank you for your question. In the setting of a lung infection, It can sometimes take several weeks for a chest xray abnormality to resolve. However, should the abnormality not resolve, further evaluation in the form of CAT scan and possible bronchoscopy (evaluation of the airways) may be required to rule out other causes.

For more information:

Go to the Lung Cancer health topic.