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Std, or Something Else



I have these weird bumps in the back of my throat where my tonsils are. They started as small pink bumps then got small white dots on them. The small white dots went away but in return I got what looked like blisters in replacement. This has been progressively gotten worse. A couple of days ago the blisters went away and turned into the pink bumps again. I woke up one morning and had a big black bump. Went to the hospital and they did not know what it could be because I have seen other doctors that have tested my for strep and mono and they were both negative. Now I have bumps all over the back of my mouth and some just have white dots on them while others are covered by white. Please help I don`t know what to do.


Bumps in the back of the throat are not unusual.  We have so called lymphoid tissue (or tonsil tissue) embedded in the back of our throat, distributed in patches, separate from the tonsils.  These can sometimes become a little enlarged, looking like many bumps.  It usually does not imply any significant illness.  If you remain concerned, I would consult an ENT physician. 

For more information:

Go to the Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders health topic.