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Can`t Ever Finish Anything



I have a lifelong problem. I can`t ever seem to finish anything. This has had a huge impact on my life. It has cost me jobs, my marriage, my graduate degree, all kinds of things. I leave everything half done. I don`t know why I do this. I wish I didn`t. Resolutions and will power don`t seem to help. I`m also terrible at organizing anything and my whole life seems to be just a jumble of unfinished projects and chaos. I have a good job now and I`m terrified that I will lose it as soon as anyone discovers how disorganized and “unfinished” all my paperwork is. I don`t mean or want to be this way. It just keeps happening. Is there a name for this problem, and what can I do to get over it?


Thank you for your question. There may be plenty of reasons contributing to your situation. Of course, it’s natural to wonder about psychiatric reasons, but there is no single term or diagnosis that applies.
I do recommend talking to your primary care physician for a possible referral to a local psychiatrist for an evaluation. I am also gathering that procrastination plays a role. For that, I view your situation more line with time management.
A few years ago, I attended an highly engaging talk about this topic presented by Susan Johnson, MD in Iowa. I do recommend your looking at her web site and consider a consultation or possible coaching. Others have benefited greatly from her expertise. See:
I hope that this helps.

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