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Stress-Reducing Exercise

Physically, mentally and emotionally, exercise is the healthiest way to reduce stress.

Exercise increases your strength and endurance which helps you accomplish other activities more easily.  Additionally, exercise creates a chemical reaction in the body, releasing endorphins that can result in the “runner?s high”, boosting spirits and confidence. Exercise is also a good way to work off stress related to feelings of anger or irritability.

Whether it?s weight-lifting, yoga or kickboxing, the most important thing is to make it fun. Make sure your workout regimen isn?t causing additional stress in your life.  It shouldn?t cause you to worry about costs or the drive to the gym.

Instead, try incorporating these simple, stress-reducing exercises into your work day:

  • Go for a walk during lunch. Step outside the office and put in a quick workout.
  • Practice breathing exercises at your desk. Take a few moments to calm your nerves and meditate.
  • Opt to take the stairs. Over time, this can build your endurance and strength.
  • Stretch your body in your cube. It?s a great way to take an afternoon break while working your muscles.

This article originally appeared in The Ohio State University Medical Center’s Heart Newsletter and is published with permission.

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