Healthy Behaviors – the Earlier the Better
Did you know that adopting healthy behaviors early in life may be easier than changing unhealthy habits later in life?
Obese children and teens have a higher risk of developing health problems associated with cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes, than others in their age groups who are not obese. Obese children also are more likely to be obese as adults.
Healthy behaviors instilled in childhood are often carried forward into adulthood. The following resources will help you take action now to ensure that your child has a strong foundation for a healthy lifetime!
Photo by Jodi Kurtland |
Resources for parents:
Age-appropriate Diet for Children
Dietary Recommendations for Children
Healthy Eating for Infants & Toddlers (USDA)
Healthy Eating for Preschool & Elementary Kids (USDA)
Healthy Eating for Special Needs Kids (USDA)
Helping Your Overweight Child
Is Dieting OK for Kids? (Nemours)
Let’s Move! (America’s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids)
To Prevent Childhood Obesity, Avoid Pitfalls of American Lifestyle
We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition)
Resources for your child:
5-2-1 – Almost None: One Formula for a Healthy Lifestyle (Nemours)
Choose My Plate for Children Over 5
Choose My Plate for Preschoolers
Eat Smart. Play Hard. (School Nutrition Association)
Resources for your teen:
5 Ways to Reach (and Maintain!) a Healthy Weight (Nemours Foundation
The Deal with Diets (Nemours Foundation)
Healthy Eating for Preteens & Teenagers (USDA)
Should I Gain Weight? (Nemours Foundation)
What’s the Right Weight for My Height? (Nemours Foundation)
For more information:
Go to the Healthy Weight Center health topic.