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Testicular Cancer Overview

This topic is here for you to better understand testicular cancer.   You’ll find information on how someone is diagnosed, their treatment options, and other aspects of the process.

What is Testicular Cancer?

Testicular cancer occurs when a cell in one of the testicles undergoes genetic mutation and becomes cancer. This cancer cell multiplies into more cancer cells and becomes a tumor (mass).   Each type of cancer receives treatment differently based on which cell the cancer started from.  Different cancers have different kinds of treatment, depending on the type and diagnosis.  The good news is testicular cancer has become a much more treatable disease in the last few decades. We now have a better understanding of the disease with very effective medical and surgical therapies.

What are the chances?

The National Cancer Institute estimated that there would be 380 deaths due to testicular cancer and 8,820 new cases in 2014.  This is about 0.5% of all new cancer cases and 0.1% of all cancer deaths.  Unlike other cancers, which become more common at higher ages, testicular cancer is mainly found in young adults (20 to 34 years). About 0.4% of men will have testicular cancer some time in their life. Chances of getting testicular cancer are higher if family members have this type of cancer.           

Research has made great strides in treating testicular cancer in the past few decades. Fifty years ago, 90% of individuals with testicular cancer that spread through their body died within one year of diagnosis. Today, over 95% of those diagnosed with testicular cancer survive for more than 5 years. The survival rate is over 99% when the cancer is found in its early stages.

The outlook is positive, but any type of cancer is still serious. In order to provide you with more information about the process that testicular cancer patients undergo, here is a list of important topics:

Article developed by Kirtishri Mishra, MD, Urology Resident, Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals, Case Medical Center.

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