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Clove cigarettes vs. reg. cig. health risks



Are clove cigarettes worse/better for you than regular cigarettes? If there is a difference, what is it?


According to the American Cancer Society:

“All forms of tobacco are dangerous. Even if the health risks were smaller for some tobacco products as opposed to others, all tobacco products contain nicotine, which can lead to increased use and addiction. Tobacco cannot be considered safe in any amount or form.

Clove cigarettes, also called kreteks, are imported mainly from Indonesia and contain 60% to 70% tobacco and 30% to 40% ground cloves, clove oil, and other additives. The chemicals in cloves have been implicated in some cases of asthma and other lung diseases. Users often have the mistaken notion that smoking clove cigarettes is safer than smoking tobacco or marijuana. But they are a tobacco product with the same health risks as cigarettes.”

You can refer to the American Cancer Society’s website at, and look under more ”exotic” forms of smoking tobacco.

For more information:

Go to the Smoking and Tobacco health topic.