Low pulse pressure and ginkgo biloba
05/14/2007 |
I am a 45 year old white male 181cm 67kg. I recently had several blood pressure readings over several weeks that put me in the borderline hypertension range (about 130/90). Five years ago it was more like 115/65 after exercise, which was the only time I ever measured it back then, at the gym.
Concerned, I immediately swapped my daily double latte for tea, started eating one banana per day, increased my fiber intake which had always been low, added 15 minutes of treadmill to my twice weekly 1 km swim and started taking gingko biloba daily. I take no medicines except an array of vitamins at reasonable dosages.
Four weeks later I have been repeatedly measured at 90/70 and feel fine. But now the doctor says my pulse pressure may be too low so I should probably stop the gingko biloba. I will try this, but is this pulse pressure really too low? Im no sports star but have always kept active. I was once told by a doctor after a chest x-ray that I had a slightly larger than normal “athlete`s heart.”
Is a pulse pressure of 20 too low my case and can it cause any short or long term problems?
It appears that you are in good shape. Blood pressure tends to increase with age in most people, but it also varies from day to day and week to week. It is not surprising that it rose and the fell to your current level. You are obviously not overweight (your BMI is 20.5) and have a reasonable lifestyle.
A low pulse pressure is not only harmless, but actually a sign of excellent arterial elasticity. You don’t have to worry about it. One only has to be concerned about a high pulse pressure (over 50 mmHg)
Increased potassium intake (like eating bananas) has been shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. There are no scientific data on the blood pressure effects of ginkgo biloba.
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