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Triple negative IDC



I have just been diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-approx 1.6 x1.7×1.9xcm rgt breast palpable lump 9:00-triple negative on ER/PR, HER2/NEU. TTF-1. I have been given a “treatment” plan. Could you tell me what is considered “usual or normal” protocol in treatments and what may be considered the sucess rate for this type of cancer. Does this type usually spread? At this point there are no “known” lymph node involvement just some “concern”


You have what we call “Triple negative breast cancer”. The fact that the lymph nodes are not involved and your tumor size is small are in your favor. Tumors like yours respond well to chemotherapy. The usual treatment protocol for your tumors is treat with chemotherapy, of which there are various options. Any type of breast cancer can spread and your type of breast cancers have the ability to spread to other parts of the body. The reason for using chemotherapy is to reduce the chances of such a spread. Assuming that you are in your 50’s, there is about a 80-85% chances of curing your cancer with treatments.

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