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Torn hamstring part 2



So I just got my answer back from the other question. I have had an MRI done which showed that I had an avulsion of the semimembranousus and semitendinousus from the tubular ischiosity. I have a hematoma as well. Does that mean that I have torn 2 hamstrings? Also, how bad is it? My orthopedist was not helpful at all when it came to answering questions.

Thanks so much.


The hamstring is composed of a group of muscles of which the semimembranosus and the semitendinosus are two.  These muscles insert into the ischial tuberosity.  Complete avulsion of these muscles from their attachment is rare, but is usually the result of a significant injury or amount of force.  A hematoma is a local blood collection that occurs after a muscle tears and would be expected with this type of injury.  Your orthopedist is the best source of information regarding the most appropriate treatment for this type of injury.  Specifically, you will need to be advised about whether surgical re-attachment is recommended versus conservative treatment with intensive physical therapy.  If you are not satisfied with your current care, a second opinion is always reasonable to obtain. 

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