Blisters inside bottom lip
06/23/2008 |
My 17 year old daughter has had a recurring problem for about 6 months. She gets 1 sometimes 2 blisters which look like water filled bubbles on the top inside of her bottom lip. She is able to pop them, but they continue to come back. She had one this morning and then when she drank tea she felt like she was getting another one. She said she gets them when she drinks tea. It does not seem to be a canker sore, or a fever blister. I have had both of those and know what they look like. She says they do not hurt except when she pops the bigger ones. I cannot find any info on what these could be so any help would be appreciated.
These sound like mucoceles. Additional information about mucocele(s) will be attached to this reply. While not a serious problem, they can be annoyingly persistent and recurrence of the blisters they produce is common. If treatment is needed, you should make an appointment to see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
Good luck!
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