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Can An Abortion Make You Infertile?



I had my last period in Nov, 2007. For 3 months I would go and get tested for pregnacy and it was always negative. I was told to stop taking the birth control pills and keep trying. Both me and my husband are in good health and my hormone tests came back normal. I did have an abortion when I was 26. Can this be the cause of my probable infertility?


If you had your last period in November of 2007, it is likely that you are not regularly ovulating (making an egg).  You should have blood testing performed as well, including a TSH level (to test for thyroid function) and another hormone called prolactin.  If you have hair growth on your face, chest, back, or abdomen, you may have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). 

Usually, treatment is simple and consists of taking a fertility pill to get you to ovulate.  Prior to treatment, your husband should have a semen analysis, and you should consider having a dye test to see if your tubes are open.  This will help to rule out any potential complications that could have occurred from your abortion.

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