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Taste buds peeling off



my mouth got pasty this eveing and when i went to bed i notice my taste buds looked like they are peeling off where is it peelig off is shiny and there is no texture. i will admit im not a regular brusher never flossed and am a smoker. but it is causing a type of bruning sensation what could it be?


Without seeing it, I would guess one of two things. If it is only in the center of your tongue, it could be median rhomboid glossitis. If it is spotty all over your tongue, possibly with thin white lines around the spots, then it is most likely migratory glossitis which is also known as geographic tongue. Both conditions are harmless other than some possible mild burning sensation, especially with spicy foods. Both will also come and go.

If this becomes so painful or the descriptions above do not sound like what you have, please consult your physician or a dentist.

Related Resources:

Geographic Tongue

For more information:

Go to the Dental and Oral Health (Adults) health topic.