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Penile Pain in a 9 Year Old Child



My Nine year old son has a continuous pain in his urethra and penis on tip end of his penis. We have visited emergency department of our hospital few times but they have found nothing unusual and no infection in urine samples. We were referred to a urologist who also could not detect anything. He is suggesting to send a camera up his urethra to investigate plus he reckons they might need to slightly stretch his urethra a bit which might help him. Just to let you know that my son`s urinating is normal with a good flow. It hurts only sometimes when he urinates.


That is an unusual complaint. Sometimes it is caused by constipation. Although most families think that their child has normal bowel habits, occasionally children have extremely large bowel movements that block the toilet or have to push significantly to eliminate their stool; these children often benefit from laxative therapy; we usually prescribe Miralax. If that is not the case, however, then cystoscopy may help in providing a diagnosis, although I think that it is unlikely to do so.

For more information:

Go to the Urinary and Genital Disorders (Children) health topic.