Fell On Tail Bone
03/23/2009 |
I fell on my tail bone. I know it’s not the alienment because I have rods back there. What do I do for the pain?
Thank you for visiting NetWellness. On this site, we try to answer general questions about health but cannot diagnose or recommend treatment. You appear to have some very, very specific questions about your condition, which can only be answered properly by a physician who is familiar with your history, physical exam, and test results. Your questions about the testing results you’ve been given or the risks, benefits, and alternatives for proposed treatments of this condition need to be directed to your treating physician(s). You should insist that they answer these questions in a way that you are able to understand before consenting to any treatment. If your physician is unable to help you understand these issues, you should get a second opinion. Take care.
Related Resources:
Minimally Invasive Non-surgical Treatments of Spine and Back Conditions
Non-Surgical Treatment of Spine and Back Conditions
Surgical Treatment of Spine and Back Conditions
For more information:
Go to the Spine and Back Health health topic.