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Menopause and Dental Health



How do I care for my mouth when I have menopausal gingivostomatitis? Also, what alternatives do I have besides HRT drugs?


We know that hormonal changes and osteoporosis can have a negative effect on the health of tooth-supporting tissues.  Routine dental care can prevent these types of problems.

The main thing that you should do is to see a dentist and/or a periodontist routinely for dental check-ups (every 3-6 months). Home care is as important as regular dental check-ups. 

There are studies reporting that HRT drugs affect bone density changes around teeth/jaw due to osteoporosis (please go to American Academy of Periodontology-AAP web site and search for risk factors or see the links below). 

Currently, there are not any alternative treatments to replace HRT drugs other than some clinical trials. You can search such studies generally by going into AAP or National Institute of Health web sites). 

Related Resources:

Protecting Oral Health Throughout Your Life
Gum Disease and Osteoporosis

For more information:

Go to the Gum Diseases health topic.