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OAB and Removal of Sling



I have had a monarc sling done september 2008. I am now experiencing leakage as well as being over active. I am thinking of removing the sling to help remove my over activeness. Would this help? I am fed up with my bladder taking over my daily thought process. I am depressed about the whole thing. I prefer the leakage than the OAB. I now wear a contiform to assist with my leakage and I am prepared to continue with this until stem surgery becomes available in Australia. Many questions but I need HELP.


I am wondering if you had OAB before the Monarc was placed? However when the sling is in its position it will be entwined with the surrounding tissue and would not be free to be removed. Scar tissue also will play a role in continence of urine as well. One of the reasons for OAB after the sling operation is inability to empty the bladder content and hence, frequent urination. This condition can be treated with urethrolysis or releasing the urethra from the attachment to tissues around it, The other cause can be due to erosion of the mesh into the urethra or bladder. This has to be treated by removal of the exposed mesh.

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