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Curious About Cause



I`ve suffered from Congestive Heart Failure in 2005, and thankfully made a full recovery. I still have weight issues and high blood pressure.

Now I`m told that my kidney function is declining enough that I`m being sent to a nephrologist.

Also I only have had a childhood issue with a weak bladder that caused urine to back up, killing one kidney. I`m 41, and lost the other kidney at age 15.

I`m at the beginning stages of being treated for chronic kidney disease and I already know major lifestyle changes are in order.

My question is probably a moot point. What was to blame? The childhood issues, the heart issues, the weight and high blood pressure, or all of it?


All the reasons you listed are potential causes of your kidney problem. Urine that “backs up” can cause Reflux Nephropathy, even in the remaining kidney. High blood pressure can also be a factor, as well as being overweight.

For more information:

Go to the Kidney Diseases health topic.