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Tongue and Mouth Problem



Today, I woke up today and everything was fine. It as later in the afternoon that it began to notice something in my mouth that felt like it was pushing from under my tongue. I checked it and it seemed to be an inflammed area on the floor of the right side of my mouth. It didn`t hurt at all, but it did feel puffy and it felt as if things didn`t taste right on the right side where it was located. It wasn`t very big, which made me come to the concluson that one of my saliva glands was inflammed, but after I did a thorough mouth washing with antiseptic mouthwash, it seemed to get slightly better as it felt a little less puffy and I could taste normally again. After a few hours though, I noticed that I have two large viens under my tongue now, both of which are a bluish to purplish is color. Certain areas of the right side of my mouth feel like the skin there is flabby and loose. There are also two or three small bumbs under my tongue on the right side. The are barely noticeable (about the size of a needle head to the size of a pen head) and are a little red. A am only 18 with no major life-altering diseases or much history of being sick at all except that last fall during a routine blood test my liver enzymes were said to be elevated, but that all returned to normal after I dieted and lot some wieght. Everything I described happened within a period of 24-hours and I am wondering if this is normal or if I need to be concerned and continue to watch it?


Much of what you have described is normal for the floor of the mouth. If the minor swelling comes back and does not resolve on its own or with mouthwashing, you may want to have your dentist take a look just to be sure.

Good luck!

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