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GERD and Cancer



what are the chances of reflux cancer. I have been diagnosed with GERD, had endoscopy last year in July and found I had mild irritation, after biopsy they confirmed I have reflux esophagitis, no Barret.

I am not able to tolerate any of the PPI because it cause diarrhea, nausea and palpitations. I also get burning almost everyday, and feels irritation in my throat. I constantly worry about cancer and it`s affecting my life. I read online few articles and they all tell there is risk even if you have plain GERD. This is adding to lot of my worry

I am 44 year old. I started having the symptoms last year, however most of my symptoms are during day, did not get any regurgitation, controlling diet is not helping very much.

I would appreciate your feedback because it`s this constant worry in my background anytime I feel burning and nothing has worked so far.


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Go to the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) health topic.