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Lamisil Tablet



Hi Pharmacist,

I wonder why the dose of Lamisil for fingernail infection and toenail infection is different. Is it based on the experiement or based on the physiology of fingernail and toenail?


Thank you for contacting Net Wellness. Lamisil ® (terbinafine) is an anti-fungal that is used for onychomycosis due to dermatophyte that is the most common type of fungus that causes infections of the skin and nails. Onychomycosis is most often treated to relieve pain from infected nails or for cosmetic reasons. Terbinafine is the treatment of choice for dermatophyte onychomycosis. Onychomycosis of the nails are dosed 250mg daily for 6 weeks. This is because the new nail grows in at a rate quicker than that of a toenail and the new growth will be fungus free. The slower growing toenails take at least 12 weeks for the therapy to be fungus free.

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