Chronically Ill for 3 yrs No Diagnosis
01/12/2011 |
Hi, starting in 2008 I began feeling ill with what was then diagnosed as walking pneumonia. Ever since then I have had several recurrent episodes of high fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, body aches and fatigue. In between these episodes I have night sweats, recurrent rashes,debilitating fatigue, muscle aches,brain fog and horrible insomnia. I have been tested for the obvious-HIV, Lymes, ANA, Thyroid function, liver function, kidney function, hepatitis which all came back neg. Colonoscopy and endoscopy were normal. Ct scan of chest and abdomen normal except fatty liver. I had a left cervical lymph node removed due to chronic swelling and it came back neg for lymphoma and EBV. I have a sed rate of 65 and a crp of 19.1. Dr`s are at a loss and I`m not getting any better. I`m desperate and want to know where to go from here. I have been to an Infectious Disease dr because at first they blamed this on Mono but the lymph node biopsy proved otherwise. I have been to 7 dr`s with no help. I`m really worried that this could be a form of cancer and it`s being overlooked. I don`t know what else to do at this point.
I am so sorry that you can not find an answer to your illness. Fortunately, this does not sound like a cancer problem, especially because the lymph node biopsy did not show any malignancy. Other that the Infectious Disease doctor, I would think that a rheumatologist (arthritis specialist) might be able to help because they deal with a number of autoimmune diseases like vasculitis and other inflammatory disorders.
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