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Pyoderma Gangreneosum



I was diagnosed with pyoderma gangrenesom at 1st of yr It took almost took a yr to diagonose was treated with antibiotics and did not help I have severe muscle an bone pain and have for 20yrs was diagnosed with fbromylgia in mid 20`s . It started on legs and have on hands and arms . It progressed to once a month to all the time iamm scared all over leg s and arms. I have carpel tunnel and 5 bulging discs 3 neck 2 in lumbar and have devoleped scolosis and always have had lordisis in neck long time. I have had 3 precancerous polyps in colon .I have had acute gastritis and colonitis irritable bowl syndrome I have not had any further testing since diagnosis Iam curruntly taking predinzone and helps alot, pleaae recommend what tests to do. I stay in lots of bone pain, musle spasm, weekness, fatigue. Who to go for this condition?


Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) is a dermatologic condition and should be managed by a medical dermatologist.

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Go to the Skin Care and Diseases health topic.