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Can I wait for my daughter to have a VCUG?



My daughter who is almost 3 is scheduled to have a VCUG in two weeks. Her first UTI was last year right after she became potty trained. She took antibiotics a couple of times for a UTI over the course of two months. We felt that the original UTI was simply not cleared up. The urologist wanted to do a VCUG then but we decided to wait and see if she had another UTI. She didn`t until the end of September. The common factor being that she had reverted back to diapers after the infection last year and had again finished potty training. We decided to see a pediatric urologist and talk about the need of a VCUG. The pediatric urologist seemed to consider the labs from last year`s UTI`s to be mild at best and the one this year to be a true UTI. However, they still want to do the VCUG. I feel that the UTI`s could have been from being potty trained both times. Would it be reasonable to wait and see if she has any more UTI`s before doing such a painful test? IT seems to me if it was reflux that she would have been having UTI`s all along without the coincidence of them starting after potty trainins.


A VCUG is necessary if one is to diagnose reflux. Reflux makes it easier to have kidney infections and if not treated properly can lead to kidney damage. The majority of kids with infections however do not have reflux, especially if they were not getting sick with high fevers during the infections. The most important thing to assess is the health of the kidneys and if an ultrasound is normal, one needs to determine if it is truly necessary to perform a VCUG.

For more information:

Go to the Urinary and Genital Disorders (Children) health topic.