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Phlebitis moving down leg



I was diagnosed by my MD with thrombophlebitis. Treatment has been elevating my legs, doing warm compresses, and taking Ibuprofen. After three weeks, he did an ultrasound/doppler,which was negative for DVT. He then added Keflex, with no improvement. Now I just finished a week on a Medrol dosepack of steroid medication, with no change. Meanwhile, the pain has gotten worse, with a sharp searing pain along my leg and foot, and what looks like new veins affected almost every day. The knotty, painful veins that hurt when standing now go from below my knee to my toes on the top and back of my foot. Compression stockings have helped a little. Do I need a test for venous stasis or another condition? This has been going on for more than five weeks. Thank you.


It does take time for it to improve. Advil or Ibuprofen along with compression and walking will help. Hang in there!

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