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Iron Deficiency Anemia



I have been anemic for many years. I have iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease from my RA. I do take Voltaren, Prednisone and Methotrexate and others for my RA. I am going through perimenopase so my periods are only 2 days long. So I don`t think that is the cause of it. I don`t know if it caused by gastro. bleeding or not because I am also taking low dose Aprine and Pariet. I never have the heartburn. My doctor did a ferritin test and CBC. My hemoplin was 95 and he said that I had no iron in my body. What could be causing the iron deficiency anemia and could it be the Methotrexate?


Anemia associated with methotrexate use is generally associated with folic acid deficiency, not iron deficiency. Methotrexate works by blocking cellular pathways that are dependent on folic acid metabolites. You should be taking a folic acid supplement to help prevent anemia associated with methotrexate use.


Iron deficiency anemias are generally associated with reduced iron intake, or acute blood loss. In most cases, the treatment is generally iron supplementation. There are numerous iron supplements available, in tablet and liquid form. Your prescriber has probably started you on iron supplementation already, but if he or she has not, you should discuss this treatment option.

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