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I`m stuck!!!



I was in the military and got injured in the beginning of 2009. Multiple stints on crutches and canes, walking casts and different types of therapy, I still wasnt healing, and got booted out. Now im in the VA, they recently diagnosed me with CRPS, and after much research I requested to have a below the knee amputation. I dont see any other way, all of a sudden, my doctors started telling me in a panic “no no no you dont have CRPS we diagnosed you incorrectly, we dont know what you have your brain is rewired, your bone is healing, your brain just thinks its hurting ETC ETC ETC” (and yet, theyre still going to give me pain management and treatment specifically meant for CRPS…?…I know its a wonder) I`m trying my damnedest to find a way to request and receive this amputation. I wont stop until I get it, and I want it NOW. what do I do? How do I get my doctors to see that this is what I prefer and what I feel is best for me? I cant even walk up my own stairs, or bathe, lying in bed is traumatic even. The more I explain the less they listen. HELP


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