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Tips to Stop the Production of Breast Milk

BreastfeedingAt some point, every mother must make the decision when to stop breastfeeding their child. No matter when you make this decision, there are ways to make this process easier and more comfortable for you. Here are some tips:

  • The best way is to wean your baby gradually. You may start by shortening the baby’s nursing time at the breast by about 5 minutes every other day, then by 10 minutes, or by increasing the intervals between feeds at the breast. This alone will slow milk production over time, and usually takes about a month to 6 weeks to stop lactating all together.
  • For faster pain free slowing, you can drink sage tea or mint tea.
  • For fastest slowing, a few once-daily doses of Sudafed (60 mg) usually cause a rapid decline in milk production.
  • Finally, cabbage leaves (crushed and cold) are for the treatment of engorgement, but may also help in slowing down the process of lactation.

If you have further questions, please contact your physician or a lactation consultant.

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    Last Reviewed: Feb 08, 2007

    University of Cincinnati

    Professor Emeritus

    Department of Pediatrics

    Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

    University of Cincinnati