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Tickly sensations on roof of mouth and tongue



The last month I have noticed a very uncomfortable symptom, a tickling feeling on the roof of my mouth and tongue. This sensation is strong enough to wake me from sleep. I am a middle aged female and was wondering what your opinion is? I just found out today I also have some scaring on my retina; don`t know if it is significant. My glucose test have been normal.


Thank you for visiting NetWellness. From your description, it sounds like you may have a condition called ‘Burning Mouth Syndrome’. For more information please refer to the NetWellness article on Burning Mouth Syndrome. If an oral and maxillofacial pathologist is available, he/she would be good choice for an evaluation and any additional recommendations regarding management.

NetWellness may also have some general information available that you can access through our search feature. Feel free to write back if you still have questions or need an explanation.

For more information:

Go to the Mouth Diseases health topic.