Metastatic Brain Lesion
10/25/2010 |
My 57 year old husband had an MRI which shows a solid mass effacing the vermis. The report was inconclusive. The radiologist believes it is most likely extra-axial, and may be a meningioma, but it doesn`t have a dural tail. She also states the possibility of a metastatic lesion, which is my main concern, since my father and sister both died due to metastasis to the brain.
My husband is having severe memory problems, personality changes, difficulty with vision, tinnitus, and right sided facial droop.
Could a mass in this location account for these symptoms?
Also, my husband claims he had a lump on his head 30 years ago, which he describes as an “ingrown hair,” that was removed under local anesthesia. He thinks this is in the same area, and has just grown back again. How likely is that theory??
That`s for any insight you can provide.
I am not sure if the mass you describe could cause the symptoms. Your husband needs an opinion from a neurosurgeon and/or a neurologist to determine the best course of action to address these concerning symptoms. The ‘ingrown hair’ theory does not seem to account for the symptoms or what you describe on MRI.
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