Penile Erection
Reading Time: < 1 minute 07/13/2010 Question: Getting a bit worrried not seeing my 6 year old son not having an erection for about 4 years now. My four year has an erection every morning and I`m wondering why my six year old does not. Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to yours has been previously addressed. The…
H1N1: duration of vaccine protection
Reading Time: < 1 minute 01/11/2010 Question: How long does the protection provided by the novel influence vaccine last? Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to yours has been previously addressed. The link below will connect you to that information. NetWellness may also have some general information available that you can access through our search feature. Feel…
Tibiula Plateau Fracture
Reading Time: < 1 minute 04/02/2010 Question: My sister has a tibiula plateau fracture and a stretched ligament. What is the normal rehab for this type of injury? Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to yours has been previously addressed. The links below will connect you to that information. NetWellness may also have some general information available…
Lower Back Pain
Reading Time: < 1 minute 02/17/2010 Question: I am 46 years old white male, generally in good overall health. 3 weeks ago I had a severe cold with a lot of phlem being caughed up out of my lungs. During that same time my lower back, more on my right side than left but both hurting. Since then the cough is…
Information on MRI
Reading Time: 3 minutes 02/28/2010 Question: I have been seeking information on what the lower mri results mean. I am in severe pain and have very little resources can someone please tell me what this test shows and should I seek a surgeon? STUDY: MRI CERVICAL SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST TECHNIQUE: 1. Sagittal STIR, T1 and T2. 2. Axial T1…
Back Pain
Reading Time: < 1 minute 02/28/2010 Question: I`v been having serverback pain, buttoch pain, leg, ankle and toe pain for 4 weeks. My doctor took a MRI and here is the impression: “Degenerative disc disease and facet arthropathy at L3/4 through L5/s1. Large left paracentral-lateral recess disc extrusion with sequestered disc fragment in the left lateral recess as described. There is impingement…
My 10 year old son`s penis is not visible…
Reading Time: < 1 minute 03/04/2010 Question: Hi, I read an answer to someone else`s question about their son`s penis in puberty being inverted. My son is overweight, which I know is a cause of this, but I read that there is an operation available as well. If my son were to lose the weight, and the penis didn`t come…
IV Missed Vein Now I Have Shocking Pains
Reading Time: < 1 minute 03/17/2010 Question: Last week when I was in my oncologist`s lab recieving iron through IV. The nurse that was putting in the IV on the inside of my right wrist missed the vein, and I got a really bad shocking pain that shot through my right hand and my whole right arm. She took the…
Is it Safe to Conceive, When on Anti TB Med
Reading Time: < 1 minute 04/14/2010 Question: Hi, I am on Anti TB medicines since last 3 months. I am suffering from genital TB. A year back I had an ectopic pregnancy and then the doctor advised me to go for a TB-PCR and culture test by Endometrium suction. The PCR report was +ve but the culture was negative. Since January I am…
Ankle Swelling
Reading Time: 2 minutes 04/14/2010 Question: I have swelling in both of my ankles on the inside, outside, and the achiles tendon. My range of motion in my ankle is limited I think mostly because of the swelling. I feel pain in the tendons all around my ankle but mostly in the achiles. In the mornings I can`t walk…