Since 1995 - Non Profit Healthcare Advice

Nicotine in the body

Reading Time: < 1 minute 04/23/2009 Question: How long does nicotine stay in someones system? Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to yours has been previously addressed. The link below will connect you to that information. NetWellness may also have some general information available that you can access through our search feature. Feel free to write back…

Gall Stone Diet to Avoid Another Attack

Reading Time: < 1 minute 08/25/2009 Question: I just got over a severe gall bladder attack but surgery is not an option for the next three months since I just had (3 wks ago) a quad bypass; so I would like to know of a diet that will avoid another attack. Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar…

Diet While Experiencing Gall Bladder Pain

Reading Time: < 1 minute 08/31/2009 Question: I get pain on the left side of my side and am told I have gall bladder problems. I am 80 years old and also have diabetes. What can I eat? I am living on ginger ale and noodle soup. My doctor is no help. She just tells me to be careful what I eat….

Early Pubic Hair

Reading Time: < 1 minute 10/27/2009 Question: My daughter is four years and half now. When she was ten months old she had fine pubic hair. The endocrinology doctor asked for lab tests, abdominal ultarsound. The ultasound was normal. There was no renal or suprarenal cysts or tumors and every thing was normal. Her serum progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone, dhea, deoxy…

Fluid on Kidney

Reading Time: < 1 minute 10/28/2009 Question: I am 28 weeks pregnant. It`s a girl and she has fluid on both kidneys. The right kidney is a 5 and the lelft kidney is a 4. The fluid has not increased from the first ultrasound. The kidney measurements have changed. The left kidney was a 5 and the right kidney was…

Compressed Disc

Reading Time: < 1 minute 10/27/2009 Question: My husband is 36 years old. He just had an MRI done and his doctor told him he has a compressed disc. The next step is to see a neurosurgeon. What is a compressed disk and what are the possible treatments for him? Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to…

Kidney Dilation

Reading Time: < 1 minute 10/28/2009 Question: I`m 29 weeks pregnant. I had an ultra sound done. The doctor says that the left kidney of the baby is dilated. It is hydronephrosis. Please tell me what is it and is it a serious problem? Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to yours has been previously addressed. The links…

Preganancy while on TB Medications

Reading Time: < 1 minute 11/02/2009 Question: Hi, I just want to know that i am under the treatment of tuberculosis with rifampin, isonized and pyrazinamid and ethambutol and Vitamin B6 for up to 3 days and then after they have stopped pyrazinamid upto another 2 months. After the 4 month, they have stopped ethambutol too, and remaining medicine are…

Pubic Hair 7 Year Old Girl

Reading Time: < 1 minute 11/04/2009 Question: My granddaughter has pubic hair at age 7. My daughter is concerned. Is it something to worry about? Is it a serious problem? Should we all be concerned about a health scare? Answer: Thank you for visiting NetWellness. A question similar to yours has been previously addressed. The links below will connect you to…

MRI of LS Spine Suggests Degenerative Disc

Reading Time: < 1 minute 12/02/2009 Question: My wife had a severe back pain ten days ago and doctor advised to take bed rest for 10 days. After that MRI is taken and summary of the report is as follows: The MRI of L S Spine indicated the following: MRI of LS Pine reveals loss of normal lordosis. Osteophytes are…